Mountain View

Mountainview Capital Partners invest in entrepreneurs with guts en perseverance. The entrepreneurs of Mountainview offer their very own expertise. And join business without getting in the way. They look for opportunities, danger. Adapt quickly and help you reach the top together. And get back safely. We helped ZZESTO create an identity that fits their strategic brand approach.


At Mountainview Capital Partners, the investment journey isn't just about financial transactions—it's an adventure in entrepreneurship. Their mission is clear: to invest in and support entrepreneurs with grit and resilience. The partners at Mountainview aren't merely investors; they're expert guides, much like seasoned mountain guides, navigating clients through the peaks and valleys of business, ensuring they reach the summit safely.

Drawing inspiration from the essence of mountain guiding, our creative endeavor was to craft an identity that embodies this unique approach. We fashioned the brand to resemble an outdoor experience, where the partners at Mountainview aren't just financial advisors but reliable guides. The brand echoes the ethos of resilience, adaptability, and the thrill of exploring uncharted territories akin to an outdoor brand.

Much like mountain guides, Mountainview Capital Partners offer their expertise without hindering the entrepreneurial journey. They seek opportunities while keeping an eye on potential pitfalls, adapting swiftly to changing terrains, and empowering their clients to ascend to their peaks while ensuring a safe return.

We collaborated with ZZESTO in creating an identity that seamlessly encapsulates this strategic brand approach. The branding captures the spirit of adventurous collaboration, echoing the perseverance and determination shared by both the partners and the entrepreneurs they support.

The result speaks for itself: Mountainview Capital Partners, where the journey of entrepreneurship isn't just about the destination; it's about the exhilarating climb and the safe return, guided by seasoned professionals who walk alongside you every step of the way.