
Drumroll for…. PASEARSE, the brainchild of Munich-based lecture performance artist Claudia Pescatore. Our collaboration revolved around conceptualizing and crafting an intriguing web design that mirrors the very essence of this extraordinary project.


At its heart, 'PASEARSE' embodies a series of diverse events that can occur anywhere – be it a leisurely walk, an indulgent banquet, or an immersive journey. The true success of these events lies in their ability to expand horizons, shed light on various subjects, transform perspectives, and effectively convey the chosen theme.

The website we've designed reflects the playful and versatile nature of 'PASEARSE.' It serves as an interactive canvas, mirroring the project's ethos, where the boundaries of conventional performance dissolve, paving the way for a unique, engaging experience.

Imbued with the spirit of exploration and innovation, our design echoes the very essence of Claudia Pescatore's vision. Through a dynamic and intuitive interface, visitors are invited to embark on a journey that transcends the traditional lecture format, embracing the unexpected and the extraordinary.

Like the project itself, the website is a portal to a world of diverse experiences that beckon exploration, redefining the boundaries of where art and engagement intersect. It's a testament to the power of unconventional mediums in enlightening, challenging, and broadening our understanding of the world.